Saturday, December 28, 2013

What do Mormons believe about the Trinity?

Joseph Smith's 1st Vision
This time I'm going to do something a little different. My posts have normally been fairly long, filled with explanations, scriptural references, and proof. Here, I will tell you what we as Latter-Day Saints have come to know about Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Ghost and if you have questions please leave them as a comment, and I will answer to the best of my ability.

As I have said in an earlier post, We believe that God The Father is the literal Father of our souls (John chapter 20 vs. 17), with a prefect Body (Genesis chapter 1 vs. 26) We believe that Jesus Christ is Literally God's only Begotten Son. He is the Jehovah of the Old Testament. He is the savior of all mankind, and the redeemer of us all. He literally suffered and died for us, and was actually and truly resurrected, or reunited with his body In a perfect form, three days after His death. Since then, He too has had a perfect body of flesh and Bone. He is our brother in spirit, and He loves us dearly. He is the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both have bodies, and can therefore only be in one place at a time, there needed to be a personage of spirit who could influence the Hearts of all men to do good. That is the Holy Ghost, or the Spirit of Promise that Christ said would come to lead us after He returned to live with the father. The Holy Ghost does not have a Body. He speaks to our Hearts quietly and meekly, always testifying of truth and helps us to know what Heavenly Father and Christ desire for us. The Holy Ghost is also referred to as the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and the Spirit of Promise.

Who was present at Christ's Baptism?

We believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost are three distinct and separate individuals, who are one in purpose, goals, mindset, plan, and doctrine (see St John chapter 17 verse 21 for an explanation of the usage of the word "one" to describe these individuals)

Finally, we believe that these individuals love us deeply, and that they have sacrificed much for us and want us to come to live with them once more. That's why, when we pray, we can sometimes feel the reassurance of their love, and we can receive answers to questions that pertain to our eternal salvation. Which leads me into my usual suggestion: don't take my word for it, ask them. Study the scriptures (including the Book of Mormon) and ask God sincerely if these things are true, and by the power and influence of the Holy Ghost, He will manifest the truth of it unto you (Moroni Chapter 10 verse 4)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Where Do We Go After We Die?

If only it were that easy, Huh?
The Bible teaches us that after this life, we either go to Heaven or Hell. (...thou shalt be brought down to hell - Isaiah 14:15. ...he was received up into heaven: Mark 16:19) The Bible also tells us that, because Christ was resurrected, all people shall be resurrected and reunited with their bodies, only in a perfect state (See John chapter 11 verse 25 and 26). However, the Bible also mentions some things that are not really explained, such as in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 where Paul speaks of knowing a man who was caught up into the third heaven, and of the man caught up into paradise, or when he speaks in chapter 15 about celestial, terrestrial, and telestial bodies. Luckily, Heavenly Father knew that all or the teachings of His Gospel could not be contained into one book perfectly; that's why we have the Book of Mormon to help us see the whole picture.

Immediately After Death

This is an illustration of the stages of Life from Beginning to End
(Note: These teachings come from the 40th chapter of the Book of Alma within the Book of Mormon as well as the 9th chapter of the second book of Nephi in the Book of Mormon, pages 307 - 309 and 72 - 77 accordingly. I strongly suggest reading those chapters so as to get your answers from the source of truth, instead of second hand)

Death is the literal separation of out spirits from our bodies. As soon as we die, Alma tells us that our spirits are taken to, essentially, one of two waiting areas: "And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise ... this is the state of the souls of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a state of awful, fearful looking for the fiery indignation of the wrath of God upon them; thus they remain in this state, as well as the righteous in paradise, until the time of their resurrection." As members of the church, we call these two places spirit paradise (just as Paul described) and spirit prison, and together, they make up the Spirit World. Our spirits wait in the Spirit World until it is time for each of us to be resurrected. (I feel to mention that this Spirit World is where the Idea that there is one heaven and one hell comes from. Remember however, that Christ said, "In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2))

Resurrection and Judgment

When it comes our time, we will be reunited with our bodies, and our bodies will be perfected so that we can live forever. At this time, we will "be brought to stand before God, and be judged according to [our] works" here I return to Paul. He knew very well that the spirit world was not our final destination. In chapter 15 of Corinthians, he informs us that there are three glories in the Kingdom of God: "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead" (verse 41 - 42). Those who have accepted Christ, repented, been baptized by His priesthood Authority, and lived all of His teachings to the best of their ability are made clean in His atonement and are allowed to enter into the Celestial Kingdom, or the Glory of the Sun, where Heavenly Father resides. There they will live in everlasting Joy for the rest of eternity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

As always, I would advise you to study the scriptures diligently and ask Heavenly Father in honest prayer if the things which I speak are true. He alone will never lie to you. My desire is that you will find this truth for yourself so that you may realize that this life is a time for us to prepare for the eternities. Please do not trade 100 years of simple pleasure for an eternity of complete joy. Come to Christ, for His arms are opened to you. Of Him I so testify, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who is Joseph Smith?

Actor who plays Joseph Smith
Well, the Simple answer to that Question is that Joseph Smith was a Servant of The Lord Jesus Christ. Namely, he was God's chosen Prophet for this day in the Time (About 1830 - 1844 AD) that he lived. Therefore, like Moses, Abraham, or Noah, Joseph Smith was, at his time, the divinely chosen leader of Heavenly Father's Children, given the task to instruct God's Children as to the will of God in our Day, that we might have the opportunity to continually progress and one day live with Him again.

Establishing some Background

Sound presumptuous? Maybe; But let me take you to some scriptures.

Genesis Chapter 7 Verse 7 reads: "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood"
A prophet of about 600 years of age, with only 7 followers.

Even without a computer, He's still pretty awesome.
Exodus Chapter 14 Verse 12 reads: "Is not this the Word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness
A Prophet sent to deliver God's Children from bondage, and God's Children would that he had never come.

Lamentations Chapter 1 Verse 1 reads: "How Doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! How is she become as a widow! She that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary!"
...And so a nation who was given a prophet to guide them out of the conquering hands of the Babylonians lies in heaps of ash because they would not listen to the Prophet of their day.

And Finally, St. Matthew Chapter 26 Verse 66-68 Reads: "What Think ye? They answered and said, His is guilty of death. Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the pals of their hands, Saying, prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?"

For though the Son of God himself would appear to lead the Children of God, still Jesus Christ is rejected with the least and greatest of the prophets.

You see? It is as Jesus Taught, "A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house" Mark 6:4. Prophets of old have been rejected because, much like today, the Children of God for some reason believed that God eventually stops loving us enough to send us guidance.  But I am here to testify that God the Father has not stopped loving us. He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, for that is what he taught of himself. Therefore, now, as in times of old, God has sent a prophet to the Earth to make known His Will.

What did Joseph Smith Do?

Lots of Things, but since we don't have forever, and you don't want to read a novel, here are just a couple.

Under the Direction of Heavenly Father, and after Receiving from explicit permission to act in His name (called the Priesthood) Joseph Smith preached the Word of God to the children of men, translated the Book of Mormon from Ancient records inscribed on golden plates and buried in the ground, Re-established or restored the Church of Jesus Christ in the same way and with the same organization as it had been organized by Jesus Christ Himself while He was on the Earth, lead the members of that Church out of harms way to a place where they could safely worship God, and Prophesied and received revelation for our day so that we could know for a surety how to live that way God intends for us to Live. Joseph lived a good life endeavoring to continually live the way he was being taught by God. Like Moses, Noah, or even Christ, Joseph came to this world in a time where the 100% pure word of God did not Exist, so he was tasked with rebuilding bridge from us here on Earth to Our Heavenly Father.

Why do we need a prophet? Isn't The Bible Enough?

Can you ask the bible what a computer is? Can you ask the Bible What the proper way to use the internet is? If you asked Moses whether or not we should smoke cigars, what would he say? 
The problem is, though God does not change, we do. We are constantly learning, creating, changing, and moving about. We need living Scriptures. Noah's revelation to build an Ark did not instruct Moses as to how to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, and Moses' revelation did not tell Jeremiah to preach repentance to Jerusalem lest they be destroyed. They were living scripture in their day, and now, out of love, Heavenly Father has sent Living scriptures to ensure that we know the way back to Him. We still have the agency to choose, but at least Heavenly Father has done His part.

How Can I know This is True?

My suggestion is to read the bible. First see if you can pull out some of the things that Christ did while on the Earth pertaining to organizing a Church. Then, compare that to the way The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is organized. Above all, pray to the one person you know who can't lie. Ask Him if this is His work. When you get your answer, remember, our doors are always open. We Love You. I love You. God the Father and Jesus Christ Love you. Seek for their word, and you shall find.

May the Lord Bless us in our search for Him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Show Me Some Proof Elder Yeske

"Why Should I join the Church?"

Alright, for this one i'm going to enlist some help from a someone who inspires me and has explained the topic a lot better than I feel I ever could. 

George Patrick O'Neill, a Falconer from Great Britain shares his Story about how the Gospel, and more specifically Jesus Christ, has helped to improve his life.
Lives are changed, understanding is created, and blessings are received. Notice, Brother O'Neill had to suffer through 6 months of jail because He decided to follow Christ. Like George, we will not always get immediate positive results from making the Decision to follow Christ, but then again, would you rather be happy for a day, or happy for a year?

Like George's Analogy of the birds who don't trust him right away, so too it can be difficult to trust in the Reality of a Living Christ who Watches over us, especially when we cannot see Him. However, Christ Promises that when you enter into His fold, He will become your good Shepherd, and He will guide you in the most joyful of paths, calling you by name, for he knows all of his Sheep.

"What if I'm already Happy? What Should I Expect?"

Again, I'm going to ask the assistance of someone with more experience in this Field. 

Al Fox (Carraway) Shares her experience as a convert to the Church. Al is a huge inspiration overcoming trial after trial of her Faith, but always receiving of the blessings in the End. She also has a Blog that goes through her story and her life. is a great destination for those of you who want to learn a little more about a person who made the decision to join the Church of Jesus Christ for herself.

Unfortunately, you'll have to open the video in another tab, but here you go:

"I actually had to go through hard times and Trials that I would not have gone though if I didn't get baptized. ... Things were hard. Things were really difficult since joining the church. ... But what it comes down to is prayer really. Honest Prayer, where you can ask him anything. And our end of the decision; it relies wholly on us, because he doesn't ever leave us. ... And what's really helped me is making that decision, and being firm in it."

Wow. What a Powerful testimony. No, Al Fox didn't feel like she needed more happiness, or more joy, but She sure found it and more sorrow! But why all the pain? Did God not see that she was making the right decision?

Of course He did. And because of that, He strengthened her be allowing her to pass through trials. Now, Al can share the strength she has gained with millions. you see, God could trust her to reach out once she was comforted, and to help her fellow man. He knew her individually, and He knows us all individually. What more could we ask for?

I know that blessings are to be found in living in accordance with God's Laws and Gospel. I know this because I swam through a river or two of pain to get to the Joy on the other side, and How great has been my appreciation of that Joy because of those rivers! I Testify that God Lives! I Testify that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior! I have "My God" and I will follow him everywhere I go, because there is no more joyful way.

Friday, November 15, 2013

What is the Purpose of This Life?

What is the Purpose of Life?

That is a great Question! Something that I am learning is that for every great question, if we will search diligently, there is an answer somewhere within the Scriptures. This time, I believe that the first part of the answer comes from Jeremiah, (in the Old Testiment) Chapter 1 Verse 5 which reads:
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew Thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations"

Can't you see yourself here?
What an interesting prospect, don't you agree? Before we came to this earth, God "knew" us. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we take that to mean that before this life, we actually lived with God! In fact, Paul tells us something even more miraculous about our "Pre- mortal" life with God. Paul, in a letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 2) says,
"Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ"

That's Right! The reason God knew us before we were formed in the bellies of our mothers is because He is Our Father, the Father of our Spirits! (As a Side note, that's why members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints call God "Heavenly Father") 

But then, Why, if we already lived with God, are we here today on this earth?

Again, let us go to the Scriptures. In Genesis, Chapter 1 verse 27, Moses records, 
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of god created hi him; male and female created he them."

You see, among the many differences between us and God before this life, one main difference is that he didn't have a body yet. God did, and he knew the joys that a body would bring; things like the ability to walk, run, jump, fall, play, eat, swim, feel, and taste. That's one of the big reason's we are here: to Get a body just like our Father. 

Still not so sure about all this?

Think of it this way. When you were a little kid, did you ever look at your dad, probably about 2 feet taller than you, stronger, and more able to do lots of things and wish you were big like him? I did. Being only 3 feet tall sucks when you go to Disney Land and you have to be at least 4 feet tall to ride the fun rides! That is what happened when we lived with God before. We could see all the cool things he could do, and we wanted to be able to do them too, just like Dad.

Ok, Elder Yeske, so here I am on Earth, with a Body like God. Now What? I still don't get why I ever left God.

Back to the Scriptures :)
This Time in Alma (Yes, that's in the Book of Mormon, but we already established that the Book of Mormon work hand in Hand) In Chapter 34 Verse 32, Alma Says, 
"For Behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors."

To put it simply, we're here to be tested. Are you going to "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother"? Are you going to "Have no other God before [Heavenly Father]"? Are you going to "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength"? Will you "Love thy neighbor as thyself"?

Is that all?

Are there only four verses in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Not a chance.
2 Nephi (Also in the Book of Mormon) Chapter 2 Verse 11 reads, 
"For it must needs be that there is an opposition in all things." 

What does Good feel like? What is fun like? What is Joy like? How does nice feel? 

Well ... good feels better than bad. Fun is better than boring. Joy is like the opposite of sadness. Nice feels a lot better than mean.

I knew I Liked this symbol ;)
You see? We're here to feel what it's like living without God right by our side all the time. Have you ever met someone who was spoiled as a kid? They had the latest game systems, the best phones, and the easiest chores (If they had any at all); Yet they were still always upset! That's because they didn't know what real sadness was, or real hard times. In the same sense, living with God, we didn't know how to appreciate all the good things we had. Have you ever heard the statement, "You never know how much you love someone until their gone". Well it's True.

And some day, when I look into the eyes of My Heavenly Father, remembering the last 100 or so years where I had to walk without Him visibly beside me, I know that at that moment, I will truly understand that great gift that it is to live in His Presence. Then will my Joy be full. Then will my love be great.

How Can you be so sure? How can I know if this is all true?

Alright, last delve into the scriptures for this post. Alma Chapter 32 verse 27,
"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner  that ye give place for a portion of my word."

Yay, Fruit!
Try it. Read the Scriptures, and follow the commandments of the Lord as given within the Scriptures. 
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit" -St Matthew Chapter 7 verse 16 (I know, I said no more scriptures, but this one is important!)
I add my testimony to The Lord Jesus Christ of old as recounted by St Matthew. If you will try to live the commandments of the Lord, by the feelings and blessings that come as a result (The "Fruit"), you will know that God lives, that He is your Heavenly Father, that He has a plan for you, and that being here on this Earth is part of that plan. That Promise I leave with you in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Book of Mormon and the Bible

*Warning- this is a long blog, but it has sections. Feel free to read small portions of it if you are short on time.

"What is The Book of Mormon?"

The actual cover of
To answer this question, lets start by figuring out what the Bible is. In The Old Testament, the first five "books" are a record of the days, teachings, and actions of Moses. From then on out, with a few exceptions, each "book" comes from a prophet and his precedings among the people of the European and Asian continents. In fact, most of the "books" are titled after the primary author or prophet. Each book explains the will of God for the people that are being led at that time.
The New Testament starts with four different accounts of the Life of Christ, and the story of the resurrected ministry of Christ, and then Peter's ministry. From then on, each book is an epistle (Letter) to different areas of the Church such as to the people in Rome (Romans) or to the Thessalonians.
The Old Testament was written about the time before Jesus Christ came, and The New Testament was written during and after Christ's Life.

How does all of this help us understand The Book of Mormon?

Prophets in Jerusalem
Jeremiah, a book in The Old Testament, was written to the house of Isreal (The Jews) in Jerusalem. Jeremiah the Prophet told the Jews that they must repent of their sins or else Jerusalem would be destroyed. In fact, in chapter 52, we see that Jeremiah was right, and Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. 
At the same time as Jeremiah  was preaching to all of the Jews, another man named Lehi was also called by God to preach the same words. "For it came to pass in the commencement of the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah ... that same year there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed. Wherefore it came to pass that my father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, yea, even with all his heart, in behalf of his people." (1 Nephi 1: 4-5 in The Book of Mormon. Page 1 and 2) Nephi, the son of Lehi, then goes on to explain that Lehi was also told to preach repentance, but only for a time. After some time of faithfully declaring repentance to the Jews, Lehi is told by God to leave Jerusalem before it is destroyed.
Lehi and his family
Obeying, Lehi took his family, the family of one other faithful individual, and the scriptures that had been kept up to that time (Most of The Old Testament records) and left into the wilderness. Guided by God, Lehi and his followers eventually came to the Ocean, where through the guidance of God, they made a ship and crossed the Ocean to the Central American Continent. Because they didn't have telephones and instant messaging to keep talking to the prophets in Jerusalem and the land round about, there needed to be prophets to lead these people as well. (This information can be found by reading the first 20 Chapters of the Book of Mormon and asking God if it is true)
That is where the Book of Mormon comes in. The Book of Mormon, just like the Bible, is a record of the Prophets and their dealings with God's Children, except that these prophets lived on the American continent. 

Where is your Proof?

Jesus Christ mentions these people in the Bible. In St. John, Chapter 10 Verse 16, page 1345, Jesus says, "And other Sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (I suppose it is important to mention that I quote the King James Version of the Bible.) Notice, Jesus Christ not only mentions that He has more sheep, but He also says He must bring them. True to his word, after His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to the people on the American continent (Known as "Nephites"), and a record of His teachings are stated in 3 Nephi Chapter 11 through Chapter 26 (Starting on page 428 of the Book of Mormon)

What does The Book of Mormon teach?

Jesus being Baptised by John the Baptist
Many of the same things as the Bible! In fact, Nephi quotes Isaiah regularly. The Book of Mormon is just as it states, "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" and His teachings. It helps us to solidify exactly what Jesus Christ taught us and affirms that through Jesus Christ's Atoning sacrifice, we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. It also reaffirms the way of Baptism and the necessity for Priesthood authority from God to do so. (Read Chapter 3 of St Matthew to confirm that this is what the bible teaches) The Book of Mormon also answers questions like Where do we come from? Why am I here? and Where are we going after this life?

Where does Joseph Smith come into play?

At the end of The Book of Mormon, the last of the righteous Nephites are forced into hiding and are hunted out by the unrighteous people called the Lamenites. Realizing that the wickedness of the people was not going to be fixed at this time, a prophet by the name of Mormon took the records that had been kept during the time that the Nephites had lived in America and summarized then down and wrote them in a book made of gold plates. Once he finished, he gave them to his son who added a couple more scriptures and promises at the end and then buried the whole book in the side of a hill.

A painting of Joseph's answer
Over 1300 years later, in the year 1820 in upstate New York, a young man by the name of Joseph Smith was trying to figure out which of the many religions was true. unable to do so alone, he turned to the scriptures where he read in James 1:5 on page 1538 of the Bible, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Following this wise council, Joseph went to and knelt in a grove of trees and prayed to God to ask Him what he should do. His miraculous answer is recorded in his own words where he says, "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. one of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other- This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

Joseph Smith say God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ! Answering his question, Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith not to join any of the churches, but instead, Joseph was going to restore the true church that Jesus Christ established while he was here on the Earth. To do so, another record was going to be provided to him, one that no man had been able to touch since the time of its writing (The Book of Mormon). This book, along with the Bible, contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This kid's got it down!
How can I know this is true?

This is a Journey for me and for you. In no way do I ever want you to just take my word for it! I invite you to obtain a Book of Mormon (This can be done for free at Read a portion of it, and pray to God to ask him if it is true. God cannot lie, so if we ask in faith, without doubt in His answer, we will receive a gentle witness of the Truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. I know this to be true only because I also have asked God, and I have felt His guiding Spirit testify to my heart that the Book of Mormon truly is His word.

I love you all dearly! I hope that you find peace in the knowledge that God loves all of us! I pray that you find your answers and come to a greater understanding. I bear you my testimony of the Truthfulness of the words I have been guided to speak. If you are reading this, it is because God wants you to know how to find Him! Start looking! I leave that challenge with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.