Saturday, October 12, 2013

"Let your light so Shine..."

In a world where messages can be sent around the world in a matter of seconds, and pictures can be seen world wide in minutes, why would one limit their potential to lift more hand to their close vicinity?

We shouldn't! Therefore I wont!

Welcome Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and Strangers! My hope is that all of you will find yourself in either of the first few categories as we travel together on this journey we call life. In this blog you will find some of my most priced pieces of knowledge gained before or during my mission. I invite all honest seekers of truth and knowledge to read, comment, and question. I extend my invitation of assistance to all! If in any way I can assist you in understanding a little more about what we as Members of The Church of Jesus Christ have come to understand as truth, please, I beg of you, just ask!

Thats me! ... Not really.
My Time is short, as I have the rest of Two years starting The previous July (My adventure will conclude some time in July of 2015) So I would urge you to be bold in your questions (Post comments on any post, or vote on my "What should I discuss next" poll at the top. I will check back regularly). I promise to do my best to answer Questions and Share insight to all who honestly have a desire to learn or have an honest interest. It is my responsibility as a full time missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to help you with any questions you have. I promise to answer every question to the best of my ability while maintaining all honesty and representing the teachings of the Church 100% correctly. If I do not have an answer to your question, I will spend time researching it so as to have an answer for you as soon as possible.

Christ washing the apostle's feet.
The First question that I would answer for you is this:

"Do 'Mormons' Believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?"

Let me quickly point out a few things. If you were to go to one of our meeting houses, probably the first thing you might notice is that the name on the front of the building is, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" Also, If you were to enter that Church building, you would find that on nearly every wall in every hallway or classroom, there are portraits of Christ (such as on the left), paintings or Christ's Ministry (Such as above), or illustrations of portions of Christ's Life. Continuing, if you were to attend a Sunday meeting in that building, you would find that the two most references books in that meeting would be the King James Version of the Bible and The Book of Mormon; Another Testament of Jesus Christ (That is quoting the titles of those books).

The Prophet Joseph Smith
Starting to see what I'm saying? 'Mormons' are firm believers that only in and through the name of Jesus Christ can we be saved. We know that Jesus Christ lived on this Earth as the literal Son of God. We know that He set the perfect example. We know that He established His church the way it was meant to be established, and we know that He suffered for all of our sins and was Crucified. We know that He was again risen on the third day, conquering Death and allowing all of us to be resurrected, and we also know that only through repentance on His name and baptism in His way can we receive salvation. As stated by Joseph Smith (on the left), The first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Jesus Christ and His atonement are central to all that we believe, every thing else is just appendages of that truth.

I guarantee to all of you at this very moment, that we, The "Mormons", The "LDS", The Latter-Day Saints, or the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (For these are some of the names we are referred to as) believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. We learn of Him, we love Him, we teach and testify of Him, and we try to follow His example at all times. I stand as a firm witness of Him, and leave with you my Testimony, that Christ lives and directs His restored Church, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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