Friday, June 13, 2014

Can Family Ties Last Longer than Death?

Now we're getting to the good stuff!

Ok, Lets start with the basics of Biblical History.

Old Testament
Genesis Ch. 2 Vs. 24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Genesis 25:8 - Then Abraham gave up the Ghost and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. (Note in Chapters 35 and 49 of Genesis, Isaac and Jacob were also "gathered unto [their] people")
Isaiah 51:2 - Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you...

New Testament
St. Mark 10:9 - What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
(and one of my personal favorites)
1 Corinthians 11:11 - Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord

These are just a few of the many references the Bible, Old Testament and New, makes to people being able to be joined in Family Ties and relationships even after Death. If that is the case, Why does nearly every civilized marriage ceremony that takes place in the United States include the Words: "Till Death do you Part"? For the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the answer comes from a passage in the Gospel according to Matthew Chapter Sixteen, Nineteenth Verse where Christ says to Peter, the Senior Apostle: "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Here Peter receives keys that give him the Authority from Christ (and therefore God) to Seal people together for all eternity. Yes, these keys include other privileges, but for the time present, We'll focus on Marriage and Family ties.
Don't you want to be married somewhere beautiful like this anyway?

Sealing Authority comes from The Lord, and is necessary when joining a family for longer than just during this Life. No wonder, when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ called another Prophet to the Earth today, He quickly received many of these "Keys" through visions of Angels.

Today, those Keys are used throughout 140+ temples by men who have received express permission to use them to join millions of Families for "time and all eternity". Bold? Absolutely; But so was the Idea that a "perfect man" walked the Earth. So is the Idea the Entire Earth was once covered with water for "forty days and forty nights". So was a ton of the Doctrines purposed by the Bible! When it comes down too, the God of the Bible is a Bold Diety! And unless you believe in a changeable God who can decide something one day and change his mind the next (which is not supported Biblically), then He is still a Bold God, doing bold things on a regular basis; and why wouldn't He be?! He made it, He designed it, He nurtured it, and He can and does do with it as he pleases! (It being a figurative term for EVERYTHING)

Same Old Story, Same Old Challenge

When it comes down too, It's really simple. The way to know these things is true is to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Why? Because that's the evidence that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God! If the Book of Mormon is really the Word of God to an Ancient Civilization in the American continent, then Joseph Smith did not write it with His Third Grade education, but instead Translated it by the Power of God! If that's the Case, then He really did See God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and He really was called to be a Prophet, and Really was given Priesthood Authority, or Keys, to do the things he did. So, willing to take the Challenge? Need a Book of Mormon to start? Check out and get your literally Free (No credit card, no survey, no anoying Text messages. Free, to your door, delivered by handsome Young Men in suits, or Beautiful Young women in Dresses) Book of Mormon. Read it, Ponder it in your mind and your heart, Pray about it, and Ask the one Person in all of Existence who can never and will never Lie to you, if it really is true. Let me know what happens! I'm here to Help!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What do Mormons do at Church on Sunday?

Once again, this topic is in response to someone who voted on the next topic. I appreciate your comments, questions, and concerns. They are one example to me that you are truly seeking Christ!
Three Hours?!?!

Wonder What's on the inside? Doors are open!
That's Right. Church on Sunday lasts for Three Hours. It is separated into one hour segments. The first of which is a Sacrament Service. The second and Third are class room experiences to help us learn of Christ, grow closer to Christ and grow closer to each other.
*For this blog, I'm just going to give a more brief overview of what goes on, but rest assured, there are no secrets. For those who want more information on one or more of the segments, I will add them in as possible topics on the poll. (left hand side of the page, near the top of the blog posts) Also, If anything I say doesn't make sense, feel free to ask for clarification in the comments section at the bottom of this post.

First Hour: Sacrament Service

An empty sacrament room
This most closely resembles Worship services of other Faiths. Every person that so desires to participate comes together into one large room in our meeting house. There we sing together, we pray together, we listen to people talk about different doctrines that Christ and other Prophets have spoken, and we partake of the sacrament together.This service is our most cherished and important "meeting".
Partaking of the sacrament helps us fulfill the commandment Jesus gave to His Apostles while he was on the earth, which says:
"And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."
 (Luke 22:19-20)

Young Men preparing the Sacrament
Something you may have noticed that also sets us apart from many groups was that we listen to "people" talk, not a "person" or a "pastor". That's because in our Church, we have an entirely lay ministry (No one is payed to preach. They are willing members of the Church who spend a couple weeks preparing to teach us from the scriptures about Christ and His teachings whenever they are asked)

Second Hour: Sunday School

After Sacrament, we then separate into smaller classes based on age and spiritual needs. For example, Children join together in a class called "Primary" where they learn about Christ, Commandments, Heavenly Father, and Prophets in fun activities and songs just for them. Youth Ages 13 - 18 meet together to learn the same basic principals, but on a higher level of participation and understanding (in larger wards, they will sometimes separate them into 2 year increments) adults also meet together to learn, once again, the same principals, at a more advanced stage, and in a way that it becomes more applicable to them in their lives.
Here, too, none of the teachers are paid; and so most of the time, these classes rely heavily on group participation, for as Jesus Taught:
"...where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)
Your comments, questions, concerns, and feelings are completely welcome. However, if you prefer to just sit, listen, and learn, you are more than welcome to do so.
(Examples of Youth, Primary, and Priesthood classes on the left. I couldn't find a good one of the Women)

Third Hour: Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Men, Young Women, and Primary.

Phew... That was a mouth full!
Once again we separate and meet in different groups for classes. Girls ages 12 to 18 are invited to attend Young Women classes. Women age 18 and up attend Relief Society. Boys and Men ages 12 and up attend various Priesthood meetings. Children ages 3 - 11 attend other Primary classes. (Most often, a nursery is provided for Children from 18 months to 3 years for both second and Third hour.)
These classes are designed for each of us to develop closer elation ships with people of our own age and gender, as well as allow us to gain insight from these close peers. Although each class or meeting has an un-payed teacher, here too, participation is appreciated (though not required ;)

Things to Consider

-These meetings, services, and classes all work together to help us as Children of God fulfill the Words of Nephi, which are: "...we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26 in the Book Of Mormon)

-No Brain washing takes place during any of the Three Hours of Church

- (Guilt Trip incoming) God gives you every single minute of every single day for you to live, laugh, love, grow, play, work, and experience, and he asks in return for you to learn of Him speak of Him, and grow in His influence for three Hours a week. (for the record, a week is 168 hours. 3 hours of that is less than 2% of your time) Isn't the Lord worth three hours of your time?

-For a more in depth description of our Church Building and some of the things we do there, visit

Friday, February 28, 2014

"A Deal with Heaven"

I wrote a Story for my readers. Obviously, it is fiction, but I think it brings up a good point about the way God interacts with His Children. Hopefully, you will enjoy!

A Man was looking to purchase a good sized lot of Land to raise his family on. He found that one of his Good friends, a pastor in the local small town church, had 200 acres up for sale.
Calling The Pastor, the Man asked for a Price. The Pastor responded that he hadn't really set decided on a price, and instead invited him to meet him at the property to discuss the price.
When they arrived, they drove the property for a short while until they came to the end of a dirt driveway where a  beautiful, properly sized house was built.
The Man quickly indicated that he really wanted the house and the property, and was willing to pay whatever the cost may be.
The Pastor pondered for a moment, and then took him inside the house and showed him to a very small, but again, well furnished room, near the center of the house. He then said, "The house and all the land is yours if you will make me a promise that, no matter who I send here to this house, you will let them stay in this room, feed them, clothe them and take care of them."
After pondering the offer for a short time, the man readily agreed. A contract was made and signed,
and the man with his wife and two small children moved in. The pastor thanked them, and in a matter of weeks, he moved away from the town completely.
Over the course of several years, one person at a time would arrive at the door of the Man's home, asking if there was a place to stay, always saying, "The Pastor said you might have a room"
Just as he had agreed, The Man took them in, allowed them to stay in the small room, clothed them, feed them at his table, and helped them get on their own two feet.
However, the more this happened, the more these strangers arrived filthy, disfigured, and sometimes even quite rude. Sometimes, they even arrived in two's or three's. It became harder and harder for the Man to put up with them coming to His house. Eventually, 30 years after the purchase of the house, as the man's children were now mostly grown, he set out to find the pastor to put an end to the madness of the arriving strangers.
He located him a few states over, retired from preaching the Word of God, His last occupation at a local prison. When they were able to meet, the man asked the Pastor, "I don't understand, Why do you keep sending me all of these people? Don't you realize that I've been struggling this long time just to take care of them, but none of them are even grateful any more? Not a one has come back to thank me for helping them on their way, and so many of them have become rich, famous, and well off! Why have you done this to me when we have been friends for so long?!"
The Pastor, now old and much slower of speech finally responded, "Son, I did not ask you to make a deal with them, I asked you to make a deal with me. How are your Children doing?"
"Fine." He responded, disgruntled by the change in subject.

"How about the House? Still standing?"
"Perfectly. I've put a lot of work into making sure it is never in disrepair." Responded the man feeling untrusted.
"And what about the land I gave you?"
"It's all fine."
"And the fences?"
The man paused, suddenly very suspicious, "...Someone stole them so long ago... I had to replace them out of pocket! Was that you?!"
"Yes. But I didn't steal them. I had them moved to surround your whole property. You must re-read your contract. In it I have promised that for every person you take care of according to the deal, I would add a portion to the property that you own. My boy, you now own half of the State, and it is forever for you to do with as you please. Give it to your Children. Build cities, towns, skyscrapers. Do with it what you will. I have given you all that I have. There will be no more work. There will be no more strangers. Your work is done. Now you may rest and have joy."

God does not give us trials to inflict us with difficulties. He gives us opportunities to receive blessings by serving those around us and by overcoming difficulties. In the end, He promises to give us all that he has if only we will Do as he Asks.

What has He done for you recently? Did you thank Him for your last trial?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Elder Yeske, Why Are You On A Missions?

This post is in response to the only person who voted on my next topic during the past month. Whoever you are, Thank you for Voting. :) As always, I want to know what you want to know, but only by you the reader voting or commenting will I be able to answer your questions.

I myself have pondered this question on and off for the past 6 months (Good heavens ... it doesn't really seem like it's been that long, but it's true, that's how long I've been away from home here in Montana) I've come up with two simple, yet very appealing answers for myself. In this post, I will mention and discuss the first of which; "I'm serving a Mission because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ asked me to, and I want to do Their will."

No, this isn't me admitting to some grand vision of the Father and the Son like Joseph Smith experienced, (visit for more information about Joseph Smith's Vision) but I am admitting two very bold statements:

Thomas S. Monson, Prophet.
1. I believe that there is a prophet on the earth today, Like unto Moses, Noah, or Abraham of old, who can and has informed us of the Will of Heavenly Father. One of the things that that prophet has told us (as well as many prophets through out all of time for that matter) is that God wants us to try to give every person a Chance to receive this restored Gospel. Bold? I think so. But then again, if God really directs this Church as I and millions of others believe, do you really think he would be meek about his own existence? I don't. I believe that He speaks, not spake, and I believe that He is Bold in doing so. And why shouldn't He be? He is God! He is the Father of our Souls! He is the creator of countless worlds! He has all Power. He has all authority. He loves us infinitely, and He intends to show us that Love in one way or another.

2. I feel that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have spoken to me through the Holy Ghost to tell me that what the prophet has spoken about the necessity of Missionary Work is true.
A very successful missionary, Dan Jones
As a young Boy, I always had a fondness for the missionaries and the work they did. Sure, it was a fairly tail fondness, because I never thought about the two years where you only get to "See" your parents through a video screen, the long nights worrying about friends, family, and acquaintances, and the brutally hot or cold (Montana...) hours of knocking on doors that are less likely to answer positively and enthusiastically than the Sky is likely to be lit on fire tomorrow, but a fondness I had, none the less.
As I grew older I began to think about my opportunity to serve. Would I take it? Should I go? Should I stay? Did I really even believe what missionaries teach? How could I find out?
Joseph Smith, See 3rd ¶.
 Well, as any member of the Church can tell you, the age old story of the question of "Where do I find truth" is answered by James in the New Testament. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him." -James 1:5 Knowing this, and knowing that Joseph Smith took that challenge and supposedly got an answer, I decided to try it out myself. Unfortunately, It didn't come right away like I'd hoped... no, I didn't feel like I got any answer at all when I tried praying in my "Sacred Grove"...
A couple years later, when I was 15-ish and still pretty lost, We were challenged by out Bishopric (Appointed "Leaders" of a small group of members of the Church known as a ward) to read the Book of Mormon entirely in just one summer. Realizing that I'd yet to do that in my life, I took the Challenge. Throughout the summer, I would regularly grab my Book or Mormon and spend 5-30 minutes, depending on how much time I had, Reading; not praying like I should have been, but at least reading. As was always part of the plan, the last 5 days of Summer we went on a camping trip into the High Sierra Mountains. There, as a group of Young Men ages 14-19 or so, we enjoyed lots of activities such as hiking, fishing, rock climbing and, as you may have guessed it, reading the last few chapters of the Book of Mormon. However, there we did exactly what I should have been doing all along. Every time we read, we would pray to ask Heavenly Father is the Book of Mormon was True. Every time we would finish, I would walk away with more of a good feeling in my heart, until the last day when we finished the Book each on our own. From that day on, I have not had to wonder if the Book is true. I know it. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I cherish that experience, and now that I have put in much effort, when I pray for further Guidance, I can literally feel the Holy Ghost directing my thoughts to testimonies I have read in the Book of Mormon, or Testimonies and talks I have heard in Church. Indeed, When I asked heavenly Father if I should serve a Mission, He told me in a profound way that it was my Responsibility, as well as my Opportunity.
After all, He is "The Good Shepherd"
And so, when I get discouraged, home sick, tired, sore, drained, or oppressed, I can always refer back to the Lord's Council; both that which he has revealed through his Authorized servants, the Prophets, and that which he has given directly to my heart.

So, stay at home, play video games, watch movies, get fat, and waste time? Not a Chance. God has shown me a better way, and a better goal, and that is why I am here. May the Lord Bless each of us with our own guidance as to how we may serve him and rejoice in his love and council. This is my humble prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why Go to Church?

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we Believe that going to church does a few very important things for us. Just like anything that Heavenly Father has established on this earth, Church is a gift that was created for Man, not Man created for Church.

Sacrament Service

"And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path (been baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost), I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." (2 Nephi 31:19-20)
Nephi knew all the way back in 545 BC that being baptized and "saved" was important, but it was not the end of our responsibilities on Earth. He knew that we must press forward and continually repent and renew our promises with The Lord that we will remember Him and do His will. One way that we do that is by going to Church every Sunday to take the sacrament. Each time we take the sacrament, if we have truly repented, it is like being baptized again. We can be made clean, and pure through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Congregational talks, Testimonies, and Sunday School.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." (2 Timothy 3:1)
Brothers and Sisters, perilous times have come. Coming to church on a weekly basis helps us to remind ourselves of what is really important in this world. I know that at least for myself, if I don't make it to church weekly, I find myself more easily aggravated, more annoyed, less with the spirit, and remembering Christ and Heavenly Father less during the week. Church and sabbath day worship was made for man, not the other way around. Going to church is for your benefit, not for the benefit of the church. As such, church is filled with inspirational talks, spirit filled lessons, Christ centered activities, heavenly inspired music, and family oriented classes. We go to church to be deified and blessed, to gain more knowledge about The Lord in An attempt to fulfill the words which Jesus spoke: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)

Go Forward in Faith

Finally, speaking of perilous times, we have been given a Charge in the midst of them:
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." (Matthew 5:14-15)
We need to help others who have not yet come to the knowledge of Christ to see through our example that Christ lives and directs our very actions. The best way we know how to do that is by going to church and basking In the presence of the spirit which always presides in the lord's house. Every time we go to church and we are further edified, we then take with us a light that we hope to be able to share with the world.

Do I Have To Be A Member Of Your Church To Come On Sunday?

No! We invite all to come and see what we believe, learn of our practices, partake in our learning, and leave feeling edified. We would want nothing more than for everyone to come and hear the things we teach so that all might know that we truly are Christians, and that we Love and Cherish the example of Christ's Life and Ministry. We are not secretive about what we do. Our doors are open! If you would like to worship with us, or even just come to observe what we do as part of an experiment, feel free to look up the closest Chapel to you by going to this link (,51.689452&z=1&m=google.road ) and typing in your home address. The program will tell you where the closest Church building is and what time they start their Worship service on Sunday (It usually starts between 9 AM and 3PM) The page will also give you some other information and tools (Such as a picture of the address you looked up to ensure that is what you were looking for, phone number for the Church Building, other Church services in foreign languages offered in your area and so on) Please feel free to explore the rest of the site while you are there.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Are Mormons "Saved?"

It is not my practice to teach about or usually even talk about other religions, because I know that now matter how much I feel I know about what they believe or teach, my knowledge is still limited, and invariably, I would end up spreading false rumors. Realizing that that is something that happened to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on a regular basis, and We would prefer that you asked us questions about what we believe instead, I will refrain from putting any specific denomination to the Doctrine of "Salvation". If you want to know what your church or other churches teach about this, ask one of their ministers.

On that note, it suffice me to say that, according to un-named denominations, the requirements for being saved are: 1. Realize that you are a sinner and that you will never be perfect. 2. Realize and confess that the only way you can be forgiven of those sins is because Jesus Christ atoned for them. 3. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ as a witness that you believe in him and his crucifixion.
If I am thus correct in saying so, and that is the definition of "Saved", then I am here to inform you that every single Mormon, or Member of our Church, has been saved.

What do the Mormons believe about being Saved?

We too believe in the three named steps above, but our conception continues on somewhat.
We are all sinners. We sin daily, and because of that, we would be found unclean and unable to enter into the presence of God. By ourselves, there is no way for us to repent of those sins. Knowing this, Heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus Christ to do two very important things for us (He did a lot more than two things while he was on this earth, but for now, I will focus on these two) First, he set the perfect example of how we should be living our lives. Second, He suffered in the garden of Gethsemane, and was crucified so that when we did not succeed at following that perfect example He set, we could repent and try harder. Just as Jesus said, He intends for us to be perfect; as perfect in deed as our human nature will permit, and perfected in him AFTER ALL we can do.

Therefore we follow the admonition of James: "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone" (James Chapter 1 Verse 5). As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we are not trying to work our way into the Kingdom of God, but we are not trying to skate our way in either. The Lord had to suffer for every sin we ever committed. Why would we want to add to those pains by committing easily conquerable sins on top of the ones that we can't avoid?

With that, I leave you with this question to ponder. Repentance is to apologize for a sin. If I were to steal a candy bar from your store, then apologize, would you forgive me? What if I stole another one every day, always apologizing for stealing the previous one before I took the next one? How would that make you feel? Are my apologies helping either of us?
How often is this the relationship we are creating with the Father of our Souls?