This post is in response to the only person who voted on my next topic during the past month. Whoever you are, Thank you for Voting. :) As always, I want to know what you want to know, but only by you the reader voting or commenting will I be able to answer your questions.
No, this isn't me admitting to some grand vision of the Father and the Son like Joseph Smith experienced, (visit for more information about Joseph Smith's Vision) but I am admitting two very bold statements:
Thomas S. Monson, Prophet. |
2. I feel that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have spoken to me through the Holy Ghost to tell me that what the prophet has spoken about the necessity of Missionary Work is true.
A very successful missionary, Dan Jones |
As I grew older I began to think about my opportunity to serve. Would I take it? Should I go? Should I stay? Did I really even believe what missionaries teach? How could I find out?
Joseph Smith, See 3rd ¶. |
A couple years later, when I was 15-ish and still pretty lost, We were challenged by out Bishopric (Appointed "Leaders" of a small group of members of the Church known as a ward) to read the Book of Mormon entirely in just one summer. Realizing that I'd yet to do that in my life, I took the Challenge. Throughout the summer, I would regularly grab my Book or Mormon and spend 5-30 minutes, depending on how much time I had, Reading; not praying like I should have been, but at least reading. As was always part of the plan, the last 5 days of Summer we went on a camping trip into the High Sierra Mountains. There, as a group of Young Men ages 14-19 or so, we enjoyed lots of activities such as hiking, fishing, rock climbing and, as you may have guessed it, reading the last few chapters of the Book of Mormon. However, there we did exactly what I should have been doing all along. Every time we read, we would pray to ask Heavenly Father is the Book of Mormon was True. Every time we would finish, I would walk away with more of a good feeling in my heart, until the last day when we finished the Book each on our own. From that day on, I have not had to wonder if the Book is true. I know it. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I cherish that experience, and now that I have put in much effort, when I pray for further Guidance, I can literally feel the Holy Ghost directing my thoughts to testimonies I have read in the Book of Mormon, or Testimonies and talks I have heard in Church. Indeed, When I asked heavenly Father if I should serve a Mission, He told me in a profound way that it was my Responsibility, as well as my Opportunity.
After all, He is "The Good Shepherd" |
So, stay at home, play video games, watch movies, get fat, and waste time? Not a Chance. God has shown me a better way, and a better goal, and that is why I am here. May the Lord Bless each of us with our own guidance as to how we may serve him and rejoice in his love and council. This is my humble prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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